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Walking With Purpose

Saint Paul the Apostle
313 N. State St.
Westerville, OH 43082

Walking with Purpose (WWP), the heart of our women's ministry, is our parish-based Bible study program for adult women. Run by local lay female parishioners, approved by Father Wilson, and supported by the Walking with Purpose national staff, we welcome all women irrespective of their faith background, age, or marital status. The program incorporates an at-home Scripture study, weekly small group discussion, and monthly talks on relevant study material.

The St. Paul parish program is led by a volunteer leadership team whose members receive online training and ongoing mentoring through the Walking with Purpose acclaimed Leadership Development Program that provides leaders the tools needed to effectively evangelize women within the parish community and the confidence to launch a WWP parish program without depleting scarce parish resources.

We offer two sessions for women of all ages and backgrounds:  

We hope you will consider joining with women on either Monday evenings at 6:30 PM or on Tuesday mornings at 9:15 AM. 

Childcare is INCLUDED. We serve refreshments and enjoy fellowship, but the core of our program is the small group table discussion. Guided by group facilitators, women are free to express their thoughts, opinions, and advice confidentially.

Our registration fee is $80 per participant.  If this creates a financial hardship, we have scholarships available. Please reach out to [email protected].

We will begin at the end of September and conclude at the end of March. 
A calendar of our meeting dates and topics of discussions can be found here. We encourage you to plan now to join us! 

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We will complete two studies all together for the 2024-2025 year.  

We will start with Living in the Father's Love and then Reclaiming Friendship.

Living in the Father's Love

In a world where women are measured by their beauty, achievements, and possessions, wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where you could just be valued for who you are? Living in the Father’s Love will lead you to that safe place where you are unconditionally loved, baggage and all.

This brief but powerful Bible study is the ideal way to revive and refresh yourself. Discover just how much God loves us and how the gospels are deeply relevant to our relationship with God and with those we love. 

Reclaiming Friendship

Do you desire lasting and abiding friendships? Do you want to move beyond the past hurts of relationships gone wrong? Reclaiming Friendship was written for any woman who wants a true and deep connection that lasts.

Explore what it takes to stay close for the long haul, what to look for in a friend, and how to navigate toxic relationships. There is a way to protect your heart without closing yourself off from future intimacy. The key is found in discovering God’s plan for friendship, which was meant to be a foretaste of Heaven.

In a world plagued by loneliness, you are invited to encounter God personally through Scripture. Let God reshape how you see and experience intentional relationships, deal with your past friendship wounds, and become a woman who is capable of the lifelong bond of true friendship.

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