May 09, 2024

Catholic Continuing Education

As we move through our busy day-to-day lives, our faith is the one thing in our life that falls to the side. Yes, we go to Mass, but how much do we know about the Catholic faith, morals, and worship? Can you defend the faith if challenged? Can you express your faith enough to help your children? Can you answer the question, why are you Catholic? If you are not confident you can answer these questions, it is time to grow in understanding your faith.

At St. Paul the Apostle Church, we have a very strong OCIA program. At the last Easter Vigil, we welcomed 67 people into the Church. As we catechize these men, women, and children in their new faith, it is always in the back of my mind that there needs to be an OCIA-like program for parishioners who are already Catholic. There is always room to grow in knowledge and understanding of the faith.

To this end, we are starting a three-year cycle of Catholics Continuing Education sessions during the summer. Following the model of the three-year cycle of the Lectionary, we will review faith, morals, and worship. The resource that we will use is the My Catholic Life series. This resource is accessible online, or you can purchase a book or e-book online. This summer, we will continue with My Catholic Worship.

These summer sessions will begin on 9 June and go until 4 August. We will meet in the lower level of the Church, room 3, at 11:30 am on Sundays. Breakfast will be served, and there will be time for fellowship. This would be an excellent opportunity to attend the 10:00 am Mass and continue your faith journey with a lesson.

Even though each session has a dedicated topic, please feel free to bring any questions about the Church. These sessions are not just for Catholics. If you know someone who is exploring the Catholic faith, invite them to attend. These sessions are a great entryway into OCIA in August.

If you want to attend, please register by emailing me at [email protected] or Annette Ramos at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the parish office. I hope to see you there!

Sincerely in Christ,

Andrew T. Burson

Director of Parish Ministry

Director of Sacred Liturgy