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Young Adults

Saint Paul the Apostle
313 N. State St.
Westerville, OH 43082

Looking for other Catholic young adults?

St. Paul’s Young Adults is a group of young Catholics ages 18 to 40 looking to grow in faith and fellowship. We provide several regular opportunities throughout the month to meet with other young adults of the parish. 

Interested in joining us? Sign up for our weekly Flocknote to get the latest updates and event reminders!

Join us for one of our upcoming events

Thursdays: Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. - Lower Level 1

This ever growing group reviews and discusses the readings for the upcoming Sunday mass. There are no extra books or programs, come as you can! Bring your friends and a bible!

Trivia Night: Wednesday, August 28th - 7:00 p.m. | St. Peter Room

Join other parish young adults for an evening of trivia; food provided! 

Sign up with YPM on Flocknote