Sixty people from St. Paul and St. Francis DeSales High School were among the 300 students, seminarians, priests, religious, and laity from the Diocese of Columbus at the National March for Life in Washington D.C. today! More than 100,000 from around the country attended.

The March for Life, an annual event that garners national attention, serves as a platform for participants to express their support for life at every stage. It's a day marked by peaceful demonstrations, inspirational speeches, and prayerful gatherings, all converging on the theme of promoting a culture that respects and upholds the sanctity of life.

Bishop Earl K. Fernandes said Mass for our diocesan group at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine during which he addressed the culture of life. Bishop Fernandes was also the principal celebrant and homilist for the Close of the Vigil for Life in Washington D.C. You can watch his homily here.

Participation in the National March for Life is a testament to our parish community's commitment to advocating for the sanctity of life. The collective presence of students, clergy, and laity from St. Paul, St. Francis DeSales High School, and other institutions within the diocese underscored a shared dedication to life-affirming principles. As they return home, the experiences and memories from the march are poised to inspire and galvanize further efforts within the community, spreading a message of hope, respect, and unwavering support for the dignity of every human life.

Join us Monday, January 22 for the Respect Life Mass and Roe Remembrance in downtown Columbus.,

Respect Life Mass

  • Monday, January 22, 2024, 10:30 AM
  • St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 E. Broad Street, Columbus.

On this day of the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, our diocese will join all dioceses of the United States in observing a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  Principal celebrant and homilist is Bishop Earl K. Fernandes.  All are invited.  For more information, contact the diocesan Office for Social Concerns at [email protected] or 614-241-2540. 

Roe Remembrance at the Statehouse

  • Monday, January 22, 2024, Noon to 1 PM
  • Ohio Statehouse

Greater Columbus Right to Life will sponsor the annual Roe Remembrance at the Ohio Statehouse (West Lawn) following the 10:30 a.m. Respect Life Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral.  For additional information, visit