Beginning Palm Sunday, as Catholics, we embark upon the holiest week in the liturgical calendar (and the busiest).  On Palm Sunday, we gather, marking the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. As we reflect upon this significant moment in our faith, let us open our hearts to the profound message embedded within the waving palms and joyful cries of "Hosanna!”

Palm Sunday is a poignant reminder of the humility and majesty of our Savior. He, who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, welcomed by the adoration of the crowds, exemplifies the paradoxical nature of divine kingship. In a world enamored by power and prestige, Jesus Christ redefines what it means to reign, teaching us that true greatness is found in service and sacrificial love.

The palm branches waved by the crowds symbolize adoration and acknowledgment of Jesus' authority and sovereignty. They serve as a tangible expression of our longing for salvation and deliverance. Just as the people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus with open arms, let us welcome Him into our souls, allowing His love to transform us from within. But even as we journey towards the darkness of Good Friday, we do so with the assurance of hope. The cross that awaits Jesus is not the end of the story; it is the prelude to the triumph of Easter morning. As we accompany Jesus on His journey to Calvary, let us do so with hearts filled with faith and eyes fixed on the promise of resurrection.

As we gather in prayer during this sacred time, we embark on a journey of profound significance—the Triduum—the three holiest days in the Christian calendar. These days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday invite us to enter into the heart of our faith, contemplate the mystery of redemption, and embrace the transformative power of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection.

On Maundy Thursday, we commemorate the Last Supper, where Jesus, in an act of profound humility, washed His disciples' feet and instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist. In this simple yet profound gesture, Jesus exemplified the essence of servant leadership, teaching us to love one another as He has loved us. As we partake in the Eucharist, let us remember the sacrificial love of our Lord, who offers Himself as spiritual nourishment, sustaining us on our faith journey.  Holy Thursday also serves as a poignant reminder of the agony that awaited Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. As He prayed in anguish, sweating drops of blood, He submitted to the will of His Father, willingly accepting the path that lay before Him – a path that would ultimately lead to the cross.

Good Friday, perhaps the most solemn day of the Triduum, invites us to journey with Jesus along the way of the cross. As we reflect on the agonizing hours of His crucifixion, we are confronted with the harsh realities of human sin and suffering. Yet, amid darkness, we find hope in the profound mystery of God's love. For it is on the cross that Jesus, in His ultimate act of selflessness, bore the weight of our sins, offering Himself a perfect sacrifice for our salvation. Let us gaze upon the cross with reverence and gratitude, recognizing it as the source of our redemption and the symbol of God's unfathomable love.

Holy Saturday, a day most overlooked by the faithful, is a day of silence and waiting, inviting us to enter the tomb's mystery. As we contemplate the lifeless body of Jesus lying in the tomb, we are reminded of the depths of His solidarity with humanity.  In this silence, God is dead.  In His death, Jesus descended into the darkness of the grave, sharing in our mortality and offering us the hope of new life.  Holy Saturday teaches us the profound lesson of trust and patience as we await the dawn of Easter when death will be conquered and Christ will rise victorious.

With its rich tapestry of liturgical celebrations and sacred rituals, the Triduum offers us a unique opportunity to draw closer to the heart of our faith. It is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal—a spiritual journey that culminates in the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

As we immerse ourselves in the mysteries of the Triduum, may we be transformed by God's grace and be filled with gratitude for the gift of salvation. Let us walk this sacred path with humility and reverence, entrusting ourselves to the loving embrace of our Savior, who has conquered sin and death and promised eternal life.

There are so many more theological nuances in Holy Week that go beyond the scope of this article. I suggest that you read Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth, Holy Week. May the Triduum be a time of profound encounter with the living God as we journey together toward the joy of Easter morning.